Contact Us
Chapter Coordinator
11061 S. Stelling Rd. Cupertino 95014
(pick-up labels & tags in Supply Box, on the porch)
Assistant Chapter Coordinator
1240 Hanchett Ave. San Jose 95126
(pick-up labels & tags in Supply Box, side of house)
Community Service Helper
Quilt Backing Coordinator and Fabric Donations
when Barbara is away, please contact:
1563 Callecita St. San Jose CA 95125
Quilt Batting Coordinator
395 S. Daniel Way San Jose CA 95128
Yarn Coordinator
Joanne Brooks
Bagging Day Coordinators (and NICU flannel blankets)
Sew Day with Sylvie
Pick-up labels & tags
Helen Farnham
1087 Astoria Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(in shoe box)
Please note:
We are all volunteers. We ask that you please respect our family time, as we do our Project Linus volunteering between 9am and 5pm, Monday thru Friday. We will do our best to reply to you during those days and time.
Thank you.